New Year’s Travel Resolutions for 2010

The month of January is named after the Roman god Janus, god of new beginnings and doorways, said to have two faces, one looking backwards and the other forwards. And so as 2009 draws to a close we all do as Janus did – reflect on the past year and make plans for the new year to come. Here are some of my travel-related resolutions for 2010:

1. Have more local holidays. South Africa is a beautiful country and although I’ve seen most of it already, my husband hasn’t yet. Weekend excursions is the way to go and will give me something to look forward to more frequently than the next overseas trip (which is only in November 2010!).

2. Take more pictures when on holiday. For some reason, even though I have a digital camera, I am very stingy when taking photos. There’s absolutely no logical reason for it, it doesn’t cost me a cent and I can always delete the bad ones later. Here’s to clicking away merrily!

3. Write more travel articles. Will 2010 be the year that I finally get published in a travel magazine? Not if I don’t sit down and do the work! Be more proactive about travel writing and chasing those enthusiastic but non-committal editors!

4. Improve a foreign language. Without the chance to practice, my German language skills are fading slowly away, and what’s left of my understanding of French is simply shocking. Perhaps I should enrol in a foreign language course at Unisa or the Alliance Française to keep the lingo going?

5. Save more money for holiday purposes. This year’s trip to Zanzibar was paid off before we even started packing our bags and it was bliss! Nothing as relaxing as being on holiday and knowing that it’s paid for! Try to have holidays paid for as soon as possible, but on the other hand, don’t let the bill keep me from going anywhere.

Making the resolutions was easy. Now, let’s see how long they last…

1 Response

  1. Enrolling in a course at Alliance Française sounds like a good idea, unfortunately the deadline to enroll at Unisa is already over.

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