Coming Soon: African Adventure 2011

Regular readers may have noticed that there was no blog post last week and, although I know you were all undoubtedly devastated by this silence on my part, rest assured it was for good reason. Gareth and I spent the week in Botswana and Zimbabwe on what I have fondly christened our African Adventure 2011. We were only gone for 8 days, but it was by far one of the most memorable trips we’ve had thus far!

However, before I document this particular experience, I will be finishing off the Spain 2010 series, which has been dragging on for a very long time. If all goes according to plan you can expect the rest of August to be dedicated to Spain and from September onwards I will be regaling you with tales from our latest trip.

Some of the highlights of our African Adventure 2011 include:

  • Chobe National Park,
  • The Victoria Falls,
  • An elephant-back safari,
  • Walking with lions, and
  • An evening in the Livingstone Room.

I’m incredibly excited to share this wonderful experience with you all and I hope you will enjoy reading about it as much as I do writing about it.

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