Celebrity Is As Celebrity Does
What do you do when you unexpectedly bump into Tom Cruise? Why, you try to out-smile him and then brag to all your friends that you’re a little bit taller than he, is of course.

Even though celebrity culture baffles me I would have loved to have met the real Tom Cruise, but sadly this was only a wax replica of the famous Hollywood movie star. Nevertheless, Gareth and I had great fun walking through Madame Tussauds (as you might have guessed), taking pictures next to our favourite icons, while trying not to get too annoyed with over-enthusiastic photo bombers.

You can clearly tell our interests from our choices of who to have our pictures taken with. We breezed past the sport stars and most of the musicians, but lingered a while next to historic figures, spent some time with our favourite actors and then promptly set up shop in the superhero section.

The museum features three “rides”: the Spirit of London, which is a taxi cab ride through a history of this iconic city; Scream, which is a new take on the Chamber of Horrors where you walk through the dark and (not so) deserted corridors of a maximum security prison; and our personal favourite, the Marvel Super Heroes 4D experience, where you get up close and personal with the Hulk, Wolverine, Spider-Man and Iron Man (to name a few) in a 360° cinema.

We had a really fun time and if you are at all interested in pop culture and find yourself in London for an afternoon, Madame Tussauds will not disappoint.
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