Looking Back, Looking Ahead

It’s that time of the year again when people tend to sit back and ponder the inevitable passing of time, where we wonder where 2015 went in such a hurry and why we never got the time to do anything we had planned for the year. Inevitably, we still make lists about things we want to do in 2016. With a new year comes new resolutions and new optimism. What can I say, I’m generally a “glass is half full” kind of person.

Although I’ve been incredibly blessed, 2015 was emotionally a rough year for me. You’ll notice that my blogging habits left much to be desired throughout most of the year, and that it stopped abruptly in August. Gareth and I received some rather unexpected, life-changing news: a little traveller will be joining our family early in 2016.












This has momentarily put a damper on our international travel plans. We wanted to visit Madagascar or Mauritius at the end of 2015, but since I’m not allowed to fly at the moment and because baby accessories cost a small (medium?) fortune, we are currently rooted close to home for the near foreseeable future.

Of course, that just won’t do. So I’ve decided that the focus of this blog will change a little bit. We have been on a few local holidays and excursions in the past year (and yes, I’m guilty, I haven’t written a word about them – this will be rectified soon) and it reminded me of what a wonderful country South Africa is. There is so much diversity and so many things to see and do right here that we tend to overlook when we plan trips to Finland and Italy instead.

So, as you read this blog post, Gareth and I have already spent a week recuperating from this hectic year on the beaches of Cape St Francis and are currently living it up at a little boutique hotel near the Hluhluwe Game Reserve. I’ll have some posts to share about both, especially the latter, and I will also need to recount our wonderful April holiday in the Western and central Cape region.

The plan is to see and do more local things, as and when the baby allows, and to showcase the beauty that is South Africa. We have a saying here: “local is lekker”, and 2016 will be all about making that saying come true.

In other blogging related news, I am also planning to (finally) change to a private domain and hosting and move this blog to a Word Press account. I want to blog more frequently (twice a week is what I will be aiming for at first) and I want to add some opportunities for collaboration with local tourism. More to follow on this in the new year.

For now, I wish you all a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year. May 2016 be the year in which we all make our wildest dreams reality!

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