Cape St Francis – Soul’s Retreat

Seagulls soaring overhead, waves crashing on the rocks, cold sea spray on bronzed skin, the salty taste of the ocean on our tongues, and a lighthouse towering above us. This is my quintessential memory of Cape St Francis, a place of the heart, as I’ve written before.

We’re fortunate in the fact that my father owns a holiday house in this quiet little seaside town, but even so we don’t nearly go there often enough. When we do go, it’s always with a sense of homecoming, of returning to one of the few places where we can truly unwind and forget about everything.

So we spend our days visiting the penguins, clambering on the rocks in search of tidal pool treasures and walking along the beach. We eat ice cream and calamari every day. At night, we fall asleep with the lights of the chokka boats glimmering in the distance.

And tomorrow, we do the same things all over again. Because we can.


Cape-St-Francis-Lighthouse Sea-Spray-Cape-St-Francis




Have you visited Cape St Francis? Do you love it as much as we do? Is there somewhere else you love as much as we love Cape St Francis?

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