Short Story: Spirit Caller

Long-time readers will know that I’ve wanted to be a published author all my life. It’s taken me this long because I let the fear of not being good enough hold me back. But I’m tired of being afraid, and it was time to take the chance: I’ve recently independently published my short story, Spirit Caller, and launched my author website


Teva knows something is wrong in her village. The cold winter months approach and yet no crops have sprouted, nor have the great elk returned to roam the plains. Nothing but dust flows between the banks of the once mighty river Einuhuatl, and all the animals guarding her village have fled. Have the spirits of the earth abandoned them?

Only the Spirit Caller will know.

To save her village, Teva journeys to the forest in search of the woman who can speak to the spirits. Together, they must confront the Eater of Souls, or face the death of everything Teva holds dear…

Available on Kindle Unlimited and for purchase at your Amazon retailer of choice.


The setting for the story, although wholly imagined in my own fantasy world, was inspired by my dream of one day visiting Yellowstone National Park and other wild places of Northern America. I hope you’ll find it transports you to a wild country too.

If you enjoy this story, I hope you’ll consider leaving a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads, following me on Facebook and signing up to receive information about new releases. I have a series of urban fantasy short stories in the works that will take readers all across Europe. It’s incredibly exciting and if you love travel, then I’m sure you’ll love these stories too!

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