Travellers x2: Whale Watching Weekend

When two people are travelling together, there are bound to be some things that the one didn’t enjoy quite as much as the other one. I think it’s a good idea to reflect on the trip afterwards, to learn from possible mistakes and to better plan for the next one. So… the verdict is out on our recent whale watching weekend:

High Point: Suneé’s reaction when we arrived at the hotel, and she was looking out the windows for whales, and then saw one. The boat trip is a close second.

Low Point: The fact that everything was closed on Sunday. Also, the wind was a bit rough.

Comments: Was very enjoyable and would like to do it again, for a longer period of time. Preferably staying at the same hotel.

Anything Learned: Suneé should take seasick pills and we should go for more than two days.

Weekend Rating: 9/10

High Point: Seeing that first whale through our hotel window! And then all other whales since then, especially the last one we saw on our way back to the airport.

Low Point: Being seasick on the boat and spending 90% of the time wondering when we would be turning back.

Comments: Despite the weather not being perfect, it was a good trip. We saw a total of seven whales, a whole colony of penguins, a troop of baboons, visited friends we hadn’t seen in a while, gaped at the view over Cape Town from Table Mountain and did it all in two days. Brilliant!

Anything Learned: No more boats!

Weekend Rating: 8/10

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